Apex Announces An FN 509 Trigger With A Flat Face

Patrick R
by Patrick R

It seems that everyone and their mother got their hands on the new FN 509 to develop as many aftermarket parts as they could for it prior to the launch date. This time Apex is announcing an FN 509 trigger with a flat face that shortens trigger reach, the amount of takeup, and reportedly improves the overall feel.

The new trigger will be shown for the first time at the NRA Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia later this month giving consumers a chance to check out the new trigger at the same time we get to see it. We do have an FN 509 that is supposed to be on the way to TFB for testing soon, if they improved the trigger from factory it will make the FN 509 a real force to be reckoned with in the striker fired pistol market.

Currently, there is no MSRP announced but I imagine it will be in line with Apex’s current line of triggers. We have previously tested the P320 Flatty and found it to be a really solid upgrade, Apex also released an improved Flatty as well as an enhanced curved trigger for the P320 recently.

You can learn more about the new FN509 trigger from Apex Tactical Specialties on their website when they release more info, currently, they have an announcement on their Facebook page but no further information.

Patrick R
Patrick R

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