The FN 509: A Peek At FN's MHS Pistol … Sorta

Patrick R
by Patrick R

The FN 509 is about as close as you can currently get to the Modular Handgun Submission that Fn America sent into the DOD trials, but isn’t exactly the same gun. In this episode of TFB TV, Patrick takes the brand new FN 509 out to the range to get acquainted with the new to the market polymer framed wonder nine.

Drawing inspiration from the tried and true FNS line of handguns, the new 509 has been described as the best possible version of the action. As a primarily Glock shooter, could the new 509 tempt Patrick into seriously considering the new pistol? Watch the video and find out.

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Patrick R
Patrick R

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2 of 27 comments
  • Tiger Tiger on Apr 18, 2017

    Just when you thought the Market was full, bang!

  • TheGreatDeception TheGreatDeception on Apr 26, 2017

    FN makes great stuff. I had a change to check out the 509 and it is ergonomic with a really nice trigger. The serrations are aggressive and provide easy slide manipulation. Unfortunately, this pistol really has nothing to differentiate it from its competitors, especially from the HK VP and Sig P320. Those are full of many features and are closely priced.

    Things I don't like about the 509: You still need to pull the trigger for disassembly, the backstrap roll pin is really, really small so I haven't been able to locate a punch small enough to replace the backstrap, the magazine release is very recessed and stiff so people with small/medium sized hands really have to turn their wrist to locate the button, and it doesn't come in a case, it comes in a cardboard box with a nylon pouch.

    I would still take a 509 any day over an M&P 1.0 or 2.0.
