AR-15 Lower Receiver which Eliminates the Receiver Slack

Hrachya H
by Hrachya H

The presence of slack between upper and lower receivers of AR-15 pattern rifles is sometimes considered a flaw of the design. Some people insist that it does affect the accuracy, others just find it annoying. In order to solve this problem, different manufacturers came up with various solutions. Perhaps the most known are the tensioning pins by JP Enterprises, but there are a couple of other products too (tensioning screws etc.).

A company called F&D Defense has a different approach in eliminating the wobbling of upper and lower receivers. They make a lower receiver which has a special contour (sort of a raised bump) which puts the required amount of tension to any upper receiver mounted on it. This system is called SHUT, which stands for Solid Hinge Upper Tensioning. Watch the video below to have a better idea of how that works:

Although it looks to solve the problem, the obvious drawback is that you have to buy a new lower receiver. In the case of tensioning pins, you just drop them in and you are good to go. Perhaps for a new precision rifle build it would be a good choice to get this receiver, because it seems to be a more solid way of removing the receiver slack problem. The question is … is it a problem at all?

The MSRP of F&D Defense AR-15 receiver with SHUT feature is $119.99.


F&D Defense HQ
Address: 201 W Oak, Seminole, Oklahoma 74868
Phone: 405-303-2403

Hrachya H
Hrachya H

Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at

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2 of 59 comments
  • Raguel A'septem Raguel A'septem on Apr 16, 2017

    LMAO! I did this to my custom builds 20+ years ago with a little dab of silicone gasket sealant in the exact same spot this "hump" is... best part of my little hump, it's self adjusting & replaceable if needed.

  • LilWolfy LilWolfy on Apr 17, 2017

    What does this do to location of the cartridge stack in the magazine and potential feeding issues?
