iPTS – The Interactive Pistol Training System
Teksilon recently announced a new handgun training product called the Interactive Pistol Training System (or iPTS for short.) The IPTS is an electronic training system that combines a training pistol, target, app and accessories for a complete rig that can help you improve your shooting without leaving the house.
According to the company, the system is safer and more realistic than other training options on the market currently. The pistol, target and app all work together to analyze the dry fire shooting to offer guidance and corrections in real time.
The training pistol has a general look similar to that of a Glock pistol. The slide works and it uses training magazines. No ammunition can enter the pistol keeping it completely safe. The trigger pull is about 5.5 pounds. An accessory rail allows you to train with whatever accessories you might normally have attached to your pistol.
In addition to the standard sights on the gun (that are interchangeable, btw), the top of the slide has a mounting plate for a red dot type sight.
There are a lot of drills, features and other aspect of this system that are explained in this video:
One of the unique things about this system is one of the people behind it. Kevin Creighton is the iPTS Product Manager. But more gun people will probably know him as the man behind the Misfires and Light Strikes website and the occasional article in other media outlets. So, I feel like this product is being made by one of “us” rather than some faceless corporation.
Additional information on the iPTS can be found on Indiegogo here. The company will launch its campaign on April 15th. While the retail price will be $599, I hear that the Indiegogo price will be $100 cheaper. Quite a deal if accurate.
An advocate of gun proliferation zones, Richard is a long time shooter, former cop and internet entrepreneur. Among the many places he calls home is http://www.gunsholstersandgear.com/.
More by Richard Johnson
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A SIRT Pistol with the LASR software is a much more useful tool. No restriction of targets, multiple shooters, the list goes on.
That's a steep price for a crowded field.