XTech Tactical Announces HK VP9 Aftermarket Magazines
XTech Tactical, makers of the +5 Magazine Extender for the Heckler & Koch VP9 and P30 and the ATG Adjustable AR-15 Grip announced a made-in-the-USA, 15-round aftermarket magazine for the HK VP9 and P30. XTech Tactical is also offering their new H&K P30 and VP9 15 round magazine with the XTech Tactical +5 Magazine Extender already installed to produce a ready-to-rock 20 round mag for the shooters of the extremely popular striker-fired, German wonder nine and also the owners of the Heckler & Koch’s latest duty gun with a traditional hammer fired operation system, including the P30, P30SK and P30S variants.
Enthusiasts of the German pistols seem to be very excited about the availability, for the first time, of an aftermarket H&K pistol magazine in the American firearm’s marketplace.
XTech Tactical claims both the 15 round magazine and the 20 round extended magazine feature rugged stainless steel construction, Teflon coating, laser welding, pre-set springs, an additional witness hole, tool-free disassembly and 100% compatibility with factory magazines.
The 15 round magazine is available direct from XTech Tactical for $34.95 as I am writing this. The extended 20 rounder is showing for sale at $59.95. Both magazines are shipping for free, for a limited time, and can be ordered directly from XTech Tactical’s website at www.xtechtactical.com.
Scott is a firearms enthusiast and gun hobbyist whose primary interest is the practical application of gun ownership. In addition to contributing to The Firearm Blog, he hosts and blogs for The Firearms Podcast, a podcast and blog about gun stuff by gun people. Scott is a 20-year veteran of the USAF and been a member of his base, state and the All Guard marksmanship teams. He can be reached via email at scott@thefirearmspodcast.com
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I bought two 30-round mags for the vp9 a few months ago. Granted, the quality is a bit lacking and I can fit only 26 rounds in each, but they exist.
Less expensive; FREE shipping...why not?? My P30 has to eat, too.