MYTH BUSTED! No Reason for .357 Magnum Snubnose Revolvers? NOT SO, Says Luckygunner Test
We’ve all heard that one before, right? “There’s no point to the .357 Magnum in a snubnosed revolver, from a barrel that short you might as well carry a .38.” Well, thanks some some exhaustive testing by Chris Baker and the LuckyGunner Labs team, turns out that’s not really true.
As part of his ongoing clear gel testing of different small arms ammunition for the LuckyGunner ammunition store and its sister blog, Chris collected 38 different kinds of .38 Special and .357 Magnum ammunition, and shot them into denim-covered gel from two different length barrels: a 4.2″ Ruger GP-100, and a 2″ Kimber K6s snubbie. The results were pretty eye-opening: Out of the 18 .38 Special rounds tested, only 4 met FBI standards for penetration with expansion in 5 out of 5 bullets, and only 3 of those four gave the generally recommended 150% expanded diameter. The .357 Magnum was a different story altogether: 14 of the 20 loads met FBI standards with 5 out of 5 expansion, and 9 of those loads gave the recommended 150% expanded diameter.
This means that the .357 Magnum snubnose gives its owner 4-4.5 times the choice of suitable defensive ammunition that the .38 only revolver gives! That’s a pretty big difference!
Why did the .357 Magnum perform so much more consistently? Simply, it has more energy available to force the bullet to expand greatly while still penetrating to the minimum FBI diameter. I cover the mechanics behind this in two previous posts: Ballistics 201: Introducing a New Way of Thinking About Terminal Effectiveness – Force, Energy, and Work, and Ballistics 201: Introducing a New Way of Thinking About Terminal Effectiveness – The Energy Budget.
Nathaniel is a history enthusiast and firearms hobbyist whose primary interest lies in military small arms technological developments beginning with the smokeless powder era. He can be reached via email at
More by Nathaniel F
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I have owned the Talo Ruger SP101. I found it highly accurate using .357 Ed’s and quite manageable shooting once used to it.The 2 things I’d like added to it are a 3” barrel and the capacity to fire the .38 Super round. The 38 Super is a better, more accurate round and is used heavily in competitive shooting. And it has a more manageable recoil — actually less of a recoil. It’s the only round I use In competition.
P.S. I keep 2 ear plugs and a set of ear muffs (for sound silencing) next to my bed. I can access the gun and sound silencers very quickly so that a person breaking in would be shot dead before he/she got through the broken window or door. The comment above my previous one is meaningless. All guns explode in doing and a flash. Get used to night shooting!