BREAKING: Magpul Lays Off 85 Workers in Wyoming
The Associated Press and KGWB in Cheyenne, Wyoming are reporting that Magpul Industries’ staffing agency, ResourceMFG, informed workers of the separation of 85 employees from its manufacturing and distribution facility on Thursday, April 6, 2017.
Magpul Industries moved its manufacturing operations to Wyoming from Erie, Colorado, and it’s headquarters to Austin, Texas after the Colorado Legislature and Governor passed three gun-control legislation bills in March 2013, even after Magpul promised to move out if those bills were made law.
Reports claim that after the layoffs Magpul Industries will still have a 163-strong workforce at the Cheyenne manufacturing facility. Magpul had expanded the workforce in the Wyoming facility from the initial 95 people to almost 250 employees for the formerly massive market demand for all firearms products, that has of course since waned following the 2016 Presidential Election. Magpul’s representative Jon Anderson says that current demand for Magpul products are in line with projections based on what the company experienced in 2015 and the increased 2016 demand was an outlier
Magpul is promising employees affected by the layoffs will receive two months wages and benefits and that Magpul’s staffing agency is working to place the now-unemployed in new positions. Employees that are being let go will be eligible for rehire if Magpul is able to expand the workforce in the near future.
Scott is a firearms enthusiast and gun hobbyist whose primary interest is the practical application of gun ownership. In addition to contributing to The Firearm Blog, he hosts and blogs for The Firearms Podcast, a podcast and blog about gun stuff by gun people. Scott is a 20-year veteran of the USAF and been a member of his base, state and the All Guard marksmanship teams. He can be reached via email at
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The AR crash is officially here.
Magpul just landed an exclusive military contract for their magazines because they don't jam ... PERIOD.