Glock Mag Dual End Plates, Why?!

Ray I.
by Ray I.

Sometimes I wonder if accessory makers really think things through when they release a product. I guess there’s a market for stuff no matter how odd the product may seem. Remember the AR-15 Muzzle Brake with Picatinny Rails? I’m sure that one was a really big hit with customers. We actually did a review of it last year.

While surfing the web for something to blog about I stumbled upon, purveyors of the best probably not American made firearms accessories. They sell all the common goods, AR-15 hand guards, Muzzle Brakes lower parts kits etc. But they had one product that caught my eye, not because it’s something I’d be willing to buy, but because it made me think WTF?!

It’s a dual end plate for Glock magazines that allows you to connect two Glock mags end to end. I get it, they’re trying to create an easier way to allow shooters to quickly reload their Glock. I just don’t see how this accomplishes that, it can’t be any easier than just practicing quick reloads and carrying two extra mags on your belt. Their new dual end plates come in a 2 piece set and is made out of polymer. It’s available for 9mm, .40 SW, .380 Auto and .45 GAP model Glocks (no love for .45 ACP and 10mm shooters?). It’s available in multiple colors and retails for $14.99.

Ray I.
Ray I.

Long time gun enthusiast, Sci-Fi nerd, Whiskey drinker, online marketer and blogger. My daily firearms musings can be found over at my gun blog and Instagram.Shoot me an email at

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2 of 26 comments
  • ArkhamInmate ArkhamInmate on Mar 31, 2017

    Because there is a lot of money to be made in derp.

  • Cynic Cynic on Apr 03, 2017

    I can actually see a use for me, airsoft where the 33 founder large capacity mags tend to get cold under rapid fire and/full auto fire because of the way propane/green gas works when the Mags get too cold performance gets sluggish and you can end up just venting gas.

    So 33rd sticks are cool but cool down makes them impractical unless you use co2 but the guns can be too hot to use depending on temp this is an issue with gas guns in general BUT more so for co2 so a pair of 20round mags on the gun vs a 50 round extended magazine i could see being useful especially in something like a glock 18 where your flipping the Mag to motivate cool down plus you could reload the bottom magazine on the fly. The only pain would be that you cant charge the Mags with gas but using co2 that wouldn't be an issue i guess.
