Forgotten Weapons: Schultz & Larsen RPLT-42

Nathan S
by Nathan S

Almost all of our modern weapons can trace some part of their lineage to World War II. The STG 44 was (and still is) a major influence on modern weapons design. However, there are many weapons from the war that do not share the same influence. One may certainly claim that they have been forgotten.

Fortunately, history buffs, weapons design junkies, and gun guys have Ian over at Forgotten Weapons, who works hard to ensure that the weapons are never actually forgotten to time. He has diligently worked to find obscure firearms and create vingettes on their history, design, and usage.

The latest to the fore is a weapon made by the Danes in World War II for their internal occupation forces. Not wanting to divert mainline weapons from the front, the Danes looked to sporting rifle manufacturer Shultz & Larsen to create a rifle to support the newly formed small Coast Guard Police.

The rifle is an interesting design for the time, with four lugs at the rear of the bolt, though in front of the handle. The receiver is externally case hardened and it features a Mauser style safety. A large extractor is supported by a fixed ejector and the magazine is user serviceable and can be opened and loaded from the bottom.

For additional details, enjoy the video from Forgotten Weapons below:

Nathan S
Nathan S

One of TFB's resident Jarheads, Nathan now works within the firearms industry. A consecutive Marine rifle and pistol expert, he enjoys local 3-gun, NFA, gunsmithing, MSR's, & high-speed gear. Nathan has traveled to over 30 countries working with US DoD & foreign MoDs.The above post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of any company or organization.

More by Nathan S

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  • Don Ward Don Ward on Feb 22, 2017

    *Eye twitch*
    And just how and which weapons is the Stg44 influencing?

    • See 6 previous
    • Twilight sparkle Twilight sparkle on Feb 23, 2017

      @Southpaw89 If that was what they meant then they wouldn't have singled out the kalashnikov to begin with, they would have just given credit to the stg for starting "the whole assault weapons phase." The stg 44 certainly inspired many assault rifles that came after it but it only happens to share a similar look to the ak47 that a lot of people mistake as especial inspiration because of the use of a sheet metal receiver and vertical reinforcement ridges in the magazine (which the ak didn't originally have)
