North American Arms .22 LR Revolver

Patrick R
by Patrick R

The North American Arms Revolver is a modern classic that never fails to put a smile on the face of both new and old shooters. This episode of TFB TV, Patrick takes his NAA (or North American Arms) revolver out to the range for some fun. Chambered in .22 long rifle and holds only 5 shots in its removable cylinder, the NAA single action revolver is a perfect range toy, but not the most optimal carry gun.

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Patrick R
Patrick R

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2 of 63 comments
  • Dltaylor51 Dltaylor51 on Feb 21, 2017

    I have several NAA mini guns and two freedom arms derringers with the belt buckles and have never felt under gunned during everyday casual carry,now I certainly would not want to get into an extended duration fire fight with one of these little guys.I only carry a handgun so as to buy me enough time to retreat back to my truck where I keep an AR and a Mossberg 500 chainsaw and then the shoot out can last for as long as the bad guys have the stomach for it.The mini guns do have there place in life and yes if you practice shooting them they are more accurate than you think.

  • Flyingchipmunk Flyingchipmunk on Feb 24, 2017

    I've shot one, and I'd say it's basically a toy, albeit a dangerous one. Very hard to hold properly, I could only get a one finger grip. The hammer and trigger are hard to reach and sights are too small.

    On the other hand, you can hide it anywhere.
