Russian Arctic Forces Learn to Drive … Reindeer Sleighs !

Hrachya H
by Hrachya H

Russian Northern fleet mechanized infantry units (also referred to as Arctic forces) have recently held training maneuvers in Murmansk, Russia. Among expected equipment such as skis and snowmobiles, they were also practicing to ride reindeer and dog sleds.

All pictures by TASS news agency
MURMANSK REGION, RUSSIA – JANUARY 23, 2017: Russian Northern Fleet's Arctic mechanised infantry brigade conducts military exercises to learn how to ride a reindeer sled at a reindeer farm near the Lovozero settlement. Lev Fedoseyev/TASS Djinney. Iooiaineay iaeano. 24 yiaaoy 2017. Aiaiiineoaauea ioaaeiie aoeoeaneie iioinooaeeiaie aoeaaau Naaaoiiai oeioa ai aoaiy ieaiiauo caiyoee ii oioaaeaieb ieaieie e niaaeie oioyaeaie a ieaiaaiaaneii oicyenoaa a oaeiia iinaeea Eiaicaoi. Eaa Oaainaaa/OANN

The idea behind those drills is to get familiar with using the sleighs, which are still one of the most used means of transportation in the arctic areas. The soldiers trained both driving and riding in the sleighs and did tactical drills using them combined with modern technology.

During WW2 about ten thousand reindeer were used in the Soviet army. The main use for them was the evacuation of wounded soldiers, logistics, transportation of crashed planes and reconnaissance. They proved to be very effective in the harsh arctic climate back in WW2. So, perhaps Russian armed forces decided to renew the WW2 experience.

Djinney. Iooiaineay iaeano. 1 oaaoaey 2016. Ai aoaiy oaiee 80-e ioaaeiie aoeoeaneie iioinooaeeiaie aoeaaau, nicaaiiie a ninoaaa Iauaaeiaiiiai nooaoaaeaneiai eiiaiaiaaiey Naaaoiiai oeioa. Ianoii aeneieaoee iiaiai oioieoiaaiey noae aiaiiue aioiaie a iinaeea Aeaeooooe. Eaa Oaainaaa/OANN

Interesting to note that on some of the images weapons are equipped with blank firing muzzle adapters. You can also see blank rounds on the PKM machine gun belt. However, in some images the guns look to be in combat condition. I assume that the training includes both live and blank firing drills.

Another interesting thing is that instead of a camouflage paint, most of the firearms are wrapped in white fabric.

Here are some more pictures from that drills and if you scroll down all the way, you’ll also find a couple of videos.

Djinney. Iooiaineay iaeano. 1 oaaoaey 2016. Ai aoaiy oaiee 80-e ioaaeiie aoeoeaneie iioinooaeeiaie aoeaaau, nicaaiiie a ninoaaa Iauaaeiaiiiai nooaoaaeaneiai eiiaiaiaaiey Naaaoiiai oeioa. Ianoii aeneieaoee iiaiai oioieoiaaiey noae aiaiiue aioiaie a iinaeea Aeaeooooe. Eaa Oaainaaa/OANN
Djinney. Iooiaineay iaeano. 1 oaaoaey 2016. Ai aoaiy oaiee 80-e ioaaeiie aoeoeaneie iioinooaeeiaie aoeaaau, nicaaiiie a ninoaaa Iauaaeiaiiiai nooaoaaeaneiai eiiaiaiaaiey Naaaoiiai oeioa. Ianoii aeneieaoee iiaiai oioieoiaaiey noae aiaiiue aioiaie a iinaeea Aeaeooooe. Eaa Oaainaaa/OANN
MURMANSK REGION, RUSSIA – JANUARY 23, 2017: Russian Northern Fleet's Arctic mechanised infantry brigade conducts military exercises to learn how to ride a dog sled at a reindeer farm near the Lovozero settlement. Lev Fedoseyev/TASS Djinney. Iooiaineay iaeano. 24 yiaaoy 2017. Aiaiiineoaauee ioaaeiie aoeoeaneie iioinooaeeiaie aoeaaau Naaaoiiai oeioa ai aoaiy ieaiiauo caiyoee ii oioaaeaieb ieaieie e niaaeie oioyaeaie a ieaiaaiaaneii oicyenoaa a oaeiia iinaeea Eiaicaoi. Eaa Oaainaaa/OANN
Hrachya H
Hrachya H

Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at

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