Russia's New Small Arms Training System Simulates Real Gunfire

Hrachya H
by Hrachya H

Russia has adopted a small arms training system called 1U35M (1У35М)․ It is designed by a company called TsNII Toch Mash (ЦНИИ Точ Маш, stands for Central Scientific – Research Institute for Precision Machine Engineering). The system simulates both the gun report and the recoil impulse. So it is as close to a real gunfire as possible.

This training system consists of the targeting sensors, sound and recoil imitation mechanisms and replicas of actual guns. The replica guns are identical to their real counterparts both in dimensions and weight. Controls of those training guns are also identical to originals. So the trainee can learn how to operate the weapon system (safety, magazine and charging handle manipulations) and how to aim/shoot. The built-in system fully duplicates the recoil of a real gun both in the single shot and full auto modes. This system is possible to use for AK-74, RPK-74, PKM, RPG-7 and GP-25 (under barrel grenade launcher) weapons training. Depending what kind of weapon is chosen, report and recoil imitation mechanism adjust accordingly. Shooters can also choose between different types of static or moving targets. The 1U35M collects the DOPE data of each trainee and allows to analyze shooter’s mistakes and correct the errors.

Another part of the training system is the software for learning the theory of shooting discipline. The software allows simulating real word environments by inputting data such as distance to target, target size, wind speed and direction etc. Then with the preset ballistics of the chosen weapon, students can calculate the impact points and practice in making the proper adjustments on virtual scope reticles.

This training system is a result of two-year work of the company and it allows quickly and effectively train a large number of recruits in a relatively short time period. Thirty sets of such systems are already in use with Russian armed forces and probably more will be supplied in future.


Hrachya H
Hrachya H

Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at

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2 of 23 comments
  • Guest Guest on Feb 08, 2017

    Many armies use a simulator to train their soldiers. It's not just more efficient use of available space but also use of logistics. Go to a (Military) shooting range and you have to arrange transportation, ammunition, food, toilets and so on.
    Want to use the simulator, all you have to do is call the guy that is responsible for it.
    It makes basic weapons training a lot easier and you're able to go to the range with soldiers that already have an understanding of what to do with their firearm.

    The Russian system looks outdated, though. It appears that some people won't be able to properly lie behind the weapon and are trained in an improper way. It could lead to a retraining at the range.

    The German Bundeswehr uses the Thales AGSHP (Ausbildungsgerät Schießsimulator Handwaffen/Panzerabwehrhandwaffen). It also simulates the recoil and the trainer can see several stats, like trigger pull-back, how much the soldier pulls the weapon into his shoulder, where he/she aims, how much rounds are left and so on... it's an okay system.
    The next version of the system supposedly uses the CryEngine2, so the graphical feedback should be good as well.

  • Boris Boris on Feb 21, 2017

    they train recruits in Russia ???
