Deadfoot Arms DFA Modified Cycle System AR-15 Folder | TFBTV | SHOT 2017

Patrick R
by Patrick R

Having a folder on your AR-15 is nice, but the large downside to that is you can’t shoot it folded. The guys at Deadfoot Arms saw this as a large problem and came up with a solution that allows you to shoot an AR-15 with the stock folded. No other drop in solution exists for this problem, now your weapon is aways ready.

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Patrick R
Patrick R

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3 of 16 comments
  • Batou878 Batou878 on Jan 22, 2017

    I'm looking forward to some shooting tests with this set-up! Very interesting!!!!

  • Joseph Smith Joseph Smith on Jan 23, 2017

    If a person is going to modify the AR system this much just to achieve folded firing, it makes more sense to me to just dump the system and go to something else.
