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Arsenal Firearms USA Shows Us The Final Stryk B Design | SHOT 2017
Patrick R
(IC: employee)
Published: January 20th, 2017
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Patrick gets an update about the state of Arsenal Firearm’s Stryk B pistol. As an evolution of the original the Stryk B builds on the success of the original design and takes it to the next level and beyond.
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Patrick R
More by Patrick R
Published January 20th, 2017 2:51 AM
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I want thaaaat.....
Wait, did they needlessly bulk up the front of the slide area so it looks more like other pistols? The previous Strike One looked odd to many because its locking system allowed the slide to be about 1/4" shorter, leaving it a very skinny-looking profile from the side (not helped by the fact the barrel and grip were rather long on that version). I like the new look a lot better, too, but it's silly if there's dead space in a carry gun for no reason but aesthetics.