Dedicated Beretta 1301 Tactical Co-Witnessing Aimpoint Mount | SHOT 2017

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

At the Beretta booth, I saw a Beretta Tactical 1301 with a distinct optic mount. It is something new by Aridus Industries. The mount is a dedicated Aimpoint mount. It lowers the Aimpoint so that the iron sights co-witness thru the Aimpoint. It looks like the mount replaces the factory rear sight and has an integrated rear peep sight.

No word on availability or pricing.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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  • Bradley Bradley on Jan 18, 2017

    I am no expert, but I just don't get the total cowitness. Sure I can see how it's better than iron sights only. I just don't get having a front and rear sight aligned with your point of aim that you are supposedly not using. If you don't want, or can't have, flip up sights it would seem to make more sense to me to have them on a slightly different plane. That way they're more or less out of the way, but you can still readily align with them. Otherwise if you have to pretty much have to have your eye aligned with the irons to use the dot then why not just use the irons.

    • See 1 previous
    • Nicholas C Nicholas C on Jan 19, 2017

      @Bradley Clearly you havent shot with co-witnessing red dots. Red dots dont have as much of an issue with parallax like irons do. If your head is shifted a little to one direction, your irons do not line up. But the red dot stays on the target.

      Also you do not have to always look thru the irons. In some cases you can look above them or around them.

      Red dots also work better and faster than irons since you can focus down range rather than focus on front sight.

  • Iksnilol Iksnilol on Jan 19, 2017

    Unpopular opinion: I don't like co-witnessing if the irons can't flip down.

    I mean, why bother with a red dot only to remove one of its primary advantages (field of view)?

    • Tom K Tom K on Jan 26, 2017

      @iksnilol Having actually handled the gun it wasn't an issue at all. FOV is fine and you still have irons just in case.
