Umarex ARX Ammo for Air Rifles and Muzzleloaders

Scott F
by Scott F
Umarex ARX Airgun Ammo

Umarex announced new ammunition for airguns and muzzleloading. Utilizing PolyCase ARX technology the Umarex ARX SpeedBand and SpeedBelt bullets are to bring a new era of terminal performance to the air rifle and black powder hunter according to Umarex.

Manufactured using an advanced polymer-copper matrix, the ARX bullet has been available in pistol caliber ammunition from PolyCase with it’s Inceptor and the Ruger ARX brand. Now the non-expanding ARX ammo will bring it’s terminal performance to mid and large bore air rifles when combined with the Umarex SpeedBand or SpeedBelt polymer sabots.

The Umarex SpeedBand sabot is combined with either .357, .40, or.45 caliber Umarex ARX ammo and the SpeedBelt sabot is designed to be used with .50 caliber muzzloaders or air rifles with the Umarex ARX ammo. The sabot technology is not new, but for those who are unaware the polymer sabot “shoe” holds the sub-caliber projectile in the bore of the gun, ensuring a gas seal in the rifling of the barrel. The sabot falls away from the projectile after existing the muzzle.

The lightweight ARX projectile, combined with the sabot technology will propel the ARX to high velocities. This allows the ARX to consistently allows for superior terminal performance via the Venturi effect.

For more information please visit the Umarex website.

Scott F
Scott F

Scott is a firearms enthusiast and gun hobbyist whose primary interest is the practical application of gun ownership. In addition to contributing to The Firearm Blog, he hosts and blogs for The Firearms Podcast, a podcast and blog about gun stuff by gun people. Scott is a 20-year veteran of the USAF and been a member of his base, state and the All Guard marksmanship teams. He can be reached via email at

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