DDupleks Expands Operations to the US

Scott F
by Scott F
DDupleks Kaviar Black Frangible Shotshell

DDupleks, is a Latvian company that is the manufacturer of what I will call unique shotgun shell ammunition. DDupleks is the maker of such types of ammo as the Monolit 32S, Hexolit 32S and Kaviar Black and now DDupleks has announced the launch of a subsidiary right here in the United States to handle the distribution, sales and marketing of the DDupleks lines of shotgun shell ammo. In the past DDupleks has been imported by Century Arms International out of Florida, but now the end users will rely on D Dupleks-USA for the sole importation of the fancy shotgun shells for all of the North American market.

Along with the announcement of the new North American warehouse, sales and distribution center in Hoopston, IL, the DDupleks USA press release also announced a couple of changes to the lines of thier American-market shotgun ammunition. The Steelhead line of solid shotgun slugs appears to be a renaming of the older Monolit 28 and Monolit 32 loads and there are now two Broadhead expanding slug shotshell loads that look like a re-branding of the Dupo 28 and Hexolit 32 load.

If you are looking for more info you can always visit the DDupleks-USA website or give them a call at 217-283-4867.

Scott F
Scott F

Scott is a firearms enthusiast and gun hobbyist whose primary interest is the practical application of gun ownership. In addition to contributing to The Firearm Blog, he hosts and blogs for The Firearms Podcast, a podcast and blog about gun stuff by gun people. Scott is a 20-year veteran of the USAF and been a member of his base, state and the All Guard marksmanship teams. He can be reached via email at scott@thefirearmspodcast.com

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3 of 13 comments
  • A.WChuck A.WChuck on Dec 27, 2016

    Illinois? They should have setup their distrubution center in a Free State.

    • Gol Gol on Dec 27, 2016

      @A.WChuck As an Illinois resident I was surprised as well. Though our laws (outside Cook Country) really aren't as bad as some other states, Illinois still isn't really that business friendly, which to me is the big surpirse.

  • Bill Bill on Dec 27, 2016

    I've been using their stuff for a few years now hunting, besides being pricey it does a good job and I've never really had any issues with it beyond it taking a bit longer to recover/remove the fins when I'm butchering.
