Beretta (Finally!) Releases G-Series Decocker Kit
Beretta, the manufacturer of the US military M9 handgun, has finally released its “G” series decocker only kit for the M9 and M92/96 series handguns. The kit, which removes the safety/decocker function of the standard handgun, swapping the slide-mounted levers for decocking only function.
Love it or hate it, the slide-mounted safety has been a long-time complaint for many Beretta shooters, as racking the slide at a bad angle can cause the safety to trip resulting in a dead trigger at the most inopportune of times. By switching to a decocker only, at worst the handgun will be completely functional, just with the standard smooth double-action pull.
The new kit works for all Beretta F/FS series 92 (9mm) and 96 (.40 S&W) handguns from the last two plus decades. It is incompatible with 92SB series 1 and 92S pistols. Retail for the kit is set at $55. At the time of this writing, the kit is out of stock if only because it’s long overdue in the minds of many M9 shooters who had space on their credit cards just for this product.
For those curious on how the kit is installed and functions, check out MrGunsnGear’s video on the kit below. Installation can take “three hands” but he breaks it down in easy to understand and highly relatable fashion.
One of TFB's resident Jarheads, Nathan now works within the firearms industry. A consecutive Marine rifle and pistol expert, he enjoys local 3-gun, NFA, gunsmithing, MSR's, & high-speed gear. Nathan has traveled to over 30 countries working with US DoD & foreign MoDs.The above post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of any company or organization.
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Huh, I have never had this problem, wonder why that is... Oh, because I own guns with frame mounted safeties that go down as John Moses Browning and God intended. ;D
Thanks for posting this vid Nathan, and thanks to Mr Guns and Gear for making it. I just might have to grab a kit this coming year.