POTD: Fight With What You Got – IKEA Chest Rig

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

A rather clever use of materials. This is a great way to recycle those IKEA bags. Even though the blue IKEA bags are not free, @akraix2 used one to make a chest rig. Looks like it would be very light weight and hold up to light duty.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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3 of 53 comments
  • RangerTMaC RangerTMaC on Dec 18, 2016

    Liberal assault gear

  • B. Young B. Young on Dec 19, 2016

    What about all the FREE pencils! Get the rarer ones with the lead centered, if you can find one! Great for that pocket survival kit, self defense, bowling, golf, Yahtzee and get a few of those FREE paper tape measures. Great for when your wife or kid wants to barrow your tape measure just give them one of those then your not out of your $25 tape measure because you know you'll never see it again. Of course I only go to ikea for the Meatballs and pencils and tape measures.

    • Mazryonh Mazryonh on Dec 20, 2016

      @B. Young You could probably use the pencils for emergency kindling in a survival situation just to get a small fire going.
