CCW For Women
Nicholas C
(IC: employee)
Published: December 5th, 2016
Anna Taylor of Dene Adams posted this video of their concealed carry corset holster. She is able to conceal an assortment of firearms and a knife. The corset holster retails for $109.99. They also have thigh holsters. Go to DeneAdams.com to check them out.
Nicholas C
More by Nicholas C
Published December 5th, 2016 3:11 AM
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If you carry locked and loaded in the corset, you have a loaded firearm pointed at your legs/lower abdomen when you sit down.
Has anybody else noticed how little original quality content there is on TFB. It seems like lately there has been precious little else other than press releases, click bait, and write ups about someone else's video/article that went live over a week ago?