Hogue's New HandALL Beavertail Grip Sleeves

Richard Johnson
by Richard Johnson

Hogue is well known for making grips for handguns and other firearms accessories. Recently, the company announced a new product it calls the HandALL Beavertail Grip Sleeve (HABGS).

The HABGS (my abbreviation, not theirs) is a textured rubber sleeve that slides over the grip portion of a semi-automatic pistol. Adding a HABGS alters the size of the grip and lengthens the trigger reach. These may be helpful to someone with large hands that are trying to shoot small pistols.

Hogue has offered grips sleeves for years, but the HABGS has a sloped section that rides up the beavertail portion of the gun to further alter the feel and reach as compared to the originals.

The new HABGS are being made for polymer framed pistols that do not have interchangeable back straps to alter the size of the grip. The guns initially offered are the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield (all calibers), Ruger LC9 and four Glock pistols: 26, 27, 42 and 43.

“Polymer pistols do not have removable grips that you can simply replace,” said grip designer Matt Hogue. “The solution for many of these pistols is our new HandALL Beavertail Grip Sleeves.”

Different colors will be available. Basic black is available, of course. Hogue is also making these in OD green, flat dark earth, purple and pink. The suggested retail price is $9.95 for the black grips and $10.95 for the alternate colors.

Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson

An advocate of gun proliferation zones, Richard is a long time shooter, former cop and internet entrepreneur. Among the many places he calls home is http://www.gunsholstersandgear.com/.

More by Richard Johnson

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  • Roland_1911 Roland_1911 on Nov 29, 2016

    Fantastic new versions of crap to end up blocking your mag well from a reload, or, bind up the mag release!

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Houges on my revolvers and shotgun stocks. But these grip slips are not a fan favorite of mine.

  • Marcus D. Marcus D. on Nov 30, 2016

    The only issue I've had with my HandAll Jr. for my Kahr is that it tends to slide up, not down. Other than that, it is brilliant. And unlike Roland's experience, the mag release on the Kahr is too high for the slip cover to interfere with it. As a keyboard jockey, the soft skin on my hands can't cope with the sharp grips on the Kahr. Second, the palm swells add a much needed thickness in this rather skinny grip and makes it fit my hand exceedingly well. I may try one of these when Hogue issues them for the Kahr, as the thickness below the beavertail may make it easier to pull the Kahr trigger, which has to be pulled all the way back before the gun fires; my fingers are long enough that that is something of an issue.
