The New TBRCi Glock Micro Comp

Ray I.
by Ray I.

Whenever someone asks what budget priced sports car they should buy car guys usually say, “buy a Miata.” In the gun world whenever someone ask a similar question but about what handgun to buy it’s, “buy a Glock.” Both a Miata and Glock have been around for almost the same time, both are cheap and reliable and easy to use and maintain (and to some they’re both girly). The best part is they also both have a huge availability of aftermarket parts and accessories. Everything from aftermarket triggers to full custom jobs are are available for the Glock.

The folks over at Texas Black Rifle Company just released another aftermarket part for the Glock, their new Glock Micro Comp. It’s threaded to work with the 9mm Glock 1/2×28 thread pitch, it also works with most 40SW to 9mm conversion barrels as well. The TBRCi Glock Micro Comp adds just .45″ to the end of your barrel, if you install it on your Glock 19 it will then fit on all Glock 34 or 35 holsters. However it does work with any 9mm Glock and should work with most open ended holsters on the market. Texas Black Rifle Company claims their new comp helps reduce recoil and keeps your Glock flat and ready for quicker follow up shots.

They retail for $89 over at Do comps really work for a pistol in 9mm? I’m not sure, but they sure look cool, and that’s what usually matters with aftermarket mods right?

Ray I.
Ray I.

Long time gun enthusiast, Sci-Fi nerd, Whiskey drinker, online marketer and blogger. My daily firearms musings can be found over at my gun blog and Instagram.Shoot me an email at

More by Ray I.

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4 of 29 comments
  • ILicence ILicence on Nov 19, 2016

    How is this news? Hasn't anyone heard of KKM comps or the Roland Special?

    • See 1 previous
    • ILicence ILicence on Nov 23, 2016

      @Matt X Hollinger Thanks for the clarification. At a glance it looked to be the same length as the KKM with a different port design, but I guess looks can be deceiving.
      I've also heard that a KKM brake on a G19 is the same length as a G34; earlier in the post I believe someone noted that this was the same length, thus my assumption.
      Also, I saw your post noting that it can be cleaned without removing the brake. That is AWESOME!

  • RUKdnMe RUKdnMe on Nov 20, 2016

    Bye Bye Zoom Zoom....LOL
