Makeshift .50 BMG ISIS Sniper Rifle

Ray I.
by Ray I.

East Asia and the Middle East are full of garage gunsmiths and homemade firearms. With the current conflict in Syria and Iraq it seems like lots of homemade guns are being found on the battlefield. Some of them seem decently well made, and some just seem odd. The one below seems outright dangerous, to the shooter. Gun Youtubber MrGunsnGear recently posted on his Facebook page this gem that was found by Peshmerga forces fighting ISIS near Mosul.

I know some of you who follow me on Instagram know but for those that don’t —- my friend, and US Army veteran, Jake ( @roguecomcam on Instagram) is over with the Peshmarga currently taking the fight to ISIS near Mosul. They captured this makeshift .50 BMG “sniper” rifle from ISIS a few days ago. I figured you guys would appreciate the photos!

Do they make a blast diverter for that muzzle brake? You know, to help protect shooters to the side and stuff.

Cool carry handle.

Dang, what scope rings are those?! I should get some for my rifle, I wonder how well they hold zero.

“Damn bro, these adjustment knobs click real nice!”

The new ISIS50 flat trigger from ALG Defense coming soon, look out for more info at the 2017 SHOT Show!

Ray I.
Ray I.

Long time gun enthusiast, Sci-Fi nerd, Whiskey drinker, online marketer and blogger. My daily firearms musings can be found over at my gun blog and Instagram.Shoot me an email at

More by Ray I.

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2 of 30 comments
  • Jonp Jonp on Nov 20, 2016

    Sweet Weeping Jesus. I'm speechless.

  • Wolfsbane Wolfsbane on Nov 22, 2016

    .50BMG? More likely it's chambered in Soviet 12.7x108mm or maybe even 14.5×114mm. I'd think that would be much more available in Syria and Iraq than .50BMG.

    We joke about in being shrapnel waiting to happen but it's probably way overbuilt and really heavy. I'd say the barrel is a spare for a Soviet machine gun and the rest is turned out of something like heavy truck axle parts.
