Gun Bunkers from Heracles Research

Richard Johnson
by Richard Johnson

Right now, there are plenty of safes and lockers on the market to lock up your guns. There are also a number of concealment options for hiding your weapons. If, however, you are looking for a way to both secure and conceal your firearms and other valuables, Heracles Research has a number of options that may make sense for you. One of those is something called the CouchBunker.

The couch bunker looks and functions like a regular couch, but contains a fire rated safe inside. Heracles Research offers a number of style options, and both fabric and leather models are available. One of the models I like is the leather version of the Mesa model. Heracles Research also offers bunker ottoman and loveseat models.

The Mesa couch contains a 650 pound safe that is large enough to store multiple rifles, handguns and other valuables. The safe is made in the USA while the custom couch is custom made in Texas.

In addition to securing your firearms and other valuables, the couches can be upgraded with ballistic cushions. These cushions function as normal cushions would, but have ballistic panel inserts than can stop many handgun rounds including the .44 Magnum. Essentially, the couch becomes cover – due to the internal safe – and the pillows can be used as shields in a home invasion.

If you like the general idea of the CouchBunker, you may also like the company’s BedBunker system that can incorporate either a single or a pair of gun safes into your bed. There are also other concealment and security options from the company on its website. I daresay these products are more likely to secure your guns than some of these less expensive boxes.

Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson

An advocate of gun proliferation zones, Richard is a long time shooter, former cop and internet entrepreneur. Among the many places he calls home is

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  • Mike Lashewitz Mike Lashewitz on Nov 05, 2016

    Something I will never be able to afford on a disabled Veterans income....

  • Vpats Vpats on Nov 06, 2016

    Amen to that!

    They're much like lawyers that become politicians, found out they couldn't make any money lawyering, but could make millions from selling government access. Town councilors have the same "sandbox kid" mindset as big time politicians .. but they lack that kind of talent so settle on local politics. * (sandbox kid, you surly remember when you played in the sandbox, there was always one kid who set the rules of what the activities were going to be and who did what). (Doesn't that kind of remind you of Congress, who pass bad laws and then exempt themselves from it?)
