The Buying and Selling of Stg44 / MP44 / MP43 Rifles In Rebel-held Syria [Lots of Photos]

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

A reader of TFB who resides in rebel held Syria recently emailed us saying …

You must know that I do not reside in the U.S.; I am in Syria, amidst the sweeping turmoil. And, surprisingly enough, a couple of years past, a multitude of StG’s surfaced up in Syria. I do believe that you have been aware of such news. Now, due to my extensive knowledge of firearms and weapons in general, I was quite shocked to find them being sold for low prices! Obviously, I am aware of their rarity and actual pricing, so I have been forced ever since on getting my hands on a number of them to, I thought, find a way and sell them in market price.

He went on to say …

I am in a rebel-controlled region, and unfortunately, the regime rarely ceases its bombardments upon us, not to mention the grueling conflicts on nearby fronts. Other than that, it is marginally safe. The 7.92×33mm Kurz is very rare here, rendering them useless right now.

That is why the guns are cheap and readily available. They have run out of ammunition for them.

I explained to him the impossibility of importing such rifles from Syria. Even as parts kits they would be worth a lot of money, but I cannot even imagine the difficulties in trying to legally import these into the USA from the middle of an active warzone. It is such a shame these guns are stuck in a region where they cannot be used, despite collectors around the world willing to pay top-dollar for the parts, and an even greater shame that the only way these guns could ever wind up in the West is as parts not complete guns.

The reader sent us the following photos …

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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2 of 77 comments
  • UCSPanther UCSPanther on Oct 25, 2016

    These STGs are in the same position as the Steyr M1895s in Eastern Europe after WWII, when 8x56R ammunition became very rare for them.

  • Lee Enfield Lee Enfield on Oct 25, 2016

    If Clinton and the Democrats don't have to follow laws, then neither does this guy.

    I encourage him to ignore all laws and get it here by any manner, and I truly mean it.
    Get them to the Mexican border and tape it to one of the thousands violating the border every day.

    When you get it into the US,give me a jingle.
