VHS K2 Bullpup in Iraq
The VHS-2 assault rifle is made in Croatia. The same people that make the HS and XDM pistols. No, not Springfield Armory but HS products.
The VHS-2 in the photo above is the VHS-K2. It is a bullpup rifle chambered in 5.56. It has some features found in other firearms. Like the H&K style selector markings and folding ambi-charging handle under the picatinny carry handle. Very reminiscent of the H&K G36. Even the magazines are similar in concept to the G36, they are translucent and have built in couplers.
From the photo above the VHS K2 looks rather long. It sports a 16″ barrel and has an overall length of 27″. However the top photo shows a longer barrel, probably the 500mm length which comes out to 19″ barrel making the gun 31″ long.
Thanks to Steven S. for sending us the Iraq photo.
More by Nicholas C
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While I'm cool with bullpups, one has to wonder at the headaches the Iraqi armorers as well as their supply types have to deal with due to the myriad of firearms I've seen those guys toting around. Don't seem like standardization is their strong suite.
I don't care if it has a 50 lb trigger and an absurd length of pull. I want it.