RMA Armament: Lightest Level IV Plate?

Richard Johnson
by Richard Johnson
RMA Armament Level IV

Rifle plates – especially NIJ 0101.06 certified Level IV ones – can be heavy and cumbersome. It makes sense considering a Level IV plate is supposed to stop a .30-06 M2AP round with less than 44 mm of back face deformation. Making a plate that provides this level of protection almost certainly means it will be quite heavy when compared to armor designed for lower threat levels.

RMA Armament announced a new Level IV plate that is claims is the “world’s lightest plate in its class.” How light is light? According to the company, the ALPHA Armor Series Level IV plate is a 10″x12″, single curve plate with a shooter’s cut and it weighs only 4.4 pounds. According to the company, back face deformation from the prescribed round was only 35.58 mm.

While 4.4 pounds may seem like a lot, it is relatively light for a Level IV plate. By way of comparison, the company’s existing 10″x12″ ceramic plate weighs in at 6.9 pounds each. A Level III (a lower level of protection) 10″x12″ shooters cut AR500 steel plate weighs in at about 8.0 pounds with an anti-spalling cover.

The ALPHA plate is made of a silicon carbide composite, which is a form of hard ceramic that has been used in other armor plates. It would be interesting to know what, if any, advancements were made in the composite to give it additional strength at a lower weight.

This plate is listed on the company’s website for $399. Last year, the company introduced a multi-hit, special rifle threat plate that was also very light, only 2.05 pounds, though it did not offer the same level of protection that this one does.

Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson

An advocate of gun proliferation zones, Richard is a long time shooter, former cop and internet entrepreneur. Among the many places he calls home is http://www.gunsholstersandgear.com/.

More by Richard Johnson

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4 of 11 comments
  • Roguetechie Roguetechie on Oct 12, 2016

    Firearms technology has plateaued and stagnated... However, barring other factors, it could start moving again any time.

  • BillyOblivion BillyOblivion on Oct 12, 2016

    So what are the *heaviest* III, III+ (I know, not a standard) or IV plates that will fit in a First Spear slick carrier?

    I'm looking for a tacticool weight vest that I can take the weights out of and put real armor in. Finding the real armor is easy and expensive. Finding cheap heavy armor is tougher than I thought.

    • See 1 previous
    • Raz-0 Raz-0 on Oct 13, 2016

      @BillyOblivion just google for ar500 chest plate and pick the cheapest. I don't know how much wiggle room you have with the carrier, but they'l be the heaviest 10x12 plate you can get, and a 3/8" level III, you can likely put two up front and two in back of a carrier for your purpose in most carriers. Maybe three if they can hack the wieght and are spaced to permit level III UHMW plates. That'll depend on how thick the spall guard is or if you can find super cheap ones without spall guard anymore.
