More HK Grey Room Photos … We Can't Get Enough!

Patrick R
by Patrick R

One of our readers that goes by the name ‘ theyoyomaster‘ emailed us a collection of new photos taken in Heckler & Koch’s Grey Room. Nathaniel F. has been posting some high-quality photos of some of the more rare and interesting firearms on the conference room walls, but the photos sent over by ‘theyoyomaster’ show some more common, but still interesting firearms.

A couple of my personal favorites are the early Offensive Handgun Weapon System that gave birth to the Mark 23 we all know, the XM8 carbine in FDE, and the G11. I don’t know about you, but when I look at Grey Room photos I want nothing more than to take the functional guns to the range! Wonder how they even held meetings in there with that many distractions.

Click here for the Imgur album with all of the photos. You should be able to zoom in enough to even read most of the info plates.

Hat tip to theyoyomaster for the photos

Patrick R
Patrick R

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