POTD: AK Quad Stack Magazine

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

This is a rather rare AK74 magazine that is a quad stack. Similar in concept to the SureFire 60rd quad stack magazines. I am told it holds 60 rounds of 5.45x39mm.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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  • Roguetechie Roguetechie on Sep 10, 2016

    The way the Russians do it is very interesting and examples exist here. Buddy Hinton has a few and very extensive pictures of it in his AK album.

    As far as the surefire (really ArmWest and Leroy James Sullivan's concept) are concerned I'm fairly sure I know what the issue is.

    If you watch the video on full30 of Ian out test firing the ArmWest AR and LMG, and you know the general characteristics of the Ultimax lmg Sullivan built first and you know the original way Sullivan was going about getting the lower fire rate in M4 type carbines, then you'll pretty instantly see what the issue is when translated to guns that don't have these fire rates.

    FWIW I just recently managed to find how Sullivan was doing the M4 thing as of 15 years ago, but I have no idea if it's how he's doing it now but there's a good article you can access from the small arms review website detailing his counterpoise system and the way it's designed to drop fire rate even though it has an enlarged gas port.

  • BrandonAKsALot BrandonAKsALot on Sep 10, 2016

    They made the 60 and then went down to a 50 before dropping the project. The smoked version is way cool.
