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The Bushmaster ACR (Suppressed)
Alex C.
(IC: employee)
Published: September 8th, 2016
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The ACR was supposed to be released to thunderous applause, but instead was met with grumbling and disdain as a result of numerous factors. That said, the gun still shoots very well and in this video we show some of the rifle’s highlights.
Thanks to our sponsors:
Proxibid – Track Down Your Perfect Rifle On Proxibid.com
Ventura Munitions – Retailer of quality ammunition.
Published September 8th, 2016 4:30 PM
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haha. The only "time" and "place" where I have seen those ACRs successful is in those Ghost Recon games
@disqus_aV2wAMa7fm:disqus I dread to think of what you're doing to your watch by wearing it while shooting