Mossberg 500 and 590A1 Compact Cruiser AOWs
It seems that the traditional firearms companies are venturing farther and farther into NFA weapons, and Mossberg is the latest company to jump into the fray with a pair of 12 gauge AOWs called Compact Cruiser AOWs.
Mossberg just announced that the company is now offering two pump action AOWs – one based on the 500 action and the other on the 590A1 action. AOW stands for Any Other Weapon, and it is a classification of NFA weapon. Although an AOW requires the additional paperwork and tax stamp from the BATFE, it is only $5 instead of the $200 associated with SBRs, SBSs and hearing protection sound suppressors.
The 500 Compact Cruiser AOW has a 3″ chamber and holds 2+1 shells. It has a 7.5″ barrel and an overall length of 17″. Up front, the AOW has folding vertical grip with a strap. I suppose the strap is to help keep your hand and gun mated together during recoil. This AOW uses the T3 pistol grip from ATI. In theory, the T3 grip is designed to absorb recoil, though I imagine the 4.9 pound gun will still be quite exhilarating with some 00-buck. It has a Parkerized finish. The MSRP is $910.
The 590A1 Compact Cruiser AOW is a bit larger with a 10.25″ barrel. As with the 590A1 shotguns, this AOW has heavy walls for increased durability. With the longer barrel, the OAL increases to 19.5″ and the weight is a bit more at 5.3 pounds. The extra length also allows for an additional round in the magazine for a total of 3+1. This model carries a suggested retail price of $980.
An advocate of gun proliferation zones, Richard is a long time shooter, former cop and internet entrepreneur. Among the many places he calls home is
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The 590A1 is a great 'in house' shotgun or 'in vehicle' piece. I managed to pick a 14" barrel 590A1 up a while back for around $350 and the $5 fee for the tax stamp was a blessing as compared to paying the $200 as I have in the past ! It's a great little shotgun that you can legally own for an additional $5 and a few months wait.
I had to interrupt my laughter at the ongoing popularity of PGO Mossbergs to laugh even harder that they bothered to put a sight on it.
Still looks cool, though-- I look forward to seeing them in movies and video games for the next decade or so.