Bushmaster ACR Field Strip

Alex C.
by Alex C.

The Bushmaster ACR was a rifle that the community expected to set the world on fire, and this it just sort of… fizzled. The pieces were there to make a great gun (with promises of unparalleled modularity) but sticker shock really hurt any potential sales that the platform may have seized. Still though, ACRs are neat rifles so we figured it might be neat to show what makes them tick.

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Alex C.
Alex C.

Alex is a Senior Writer for The Firearm Blog and Director of TFBTV.

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  • Hank Seiter Hank Seiter on Sep 06, 2016

    Love my ACR. Shoots great and mine is 100% reliable with mil-spec aluminum and Pmags. Looks great, too, I'm just surprised you don't see the ACR in more Sci-Fi movie. But the darn thing is so heavy! I was hoping mine would be one of those one-in-a-thousand when it came to MOA performance in order to justify its extra weight. After mounting one of my Millett Mil-Dot scopes the best I could get was 1.5 to 1.75 inches with an occasional lucky sub-1.5 group using match-grade 68 grain ammo. Very respectable though not sub-MOA. So the ACR sits in one of my gun safes since my preference is to play with my SCAR which is a hair more accurate and about a 1.5 pounds lighter - or it seems that way.
    BTW, the recoil of the ACR is rather brisk for a full size 5.56 platform so I spun on a three chamber "competition" muzzle-brake and that made a substantial difference in felt recoil which originally was about that of a light-weight M-4 AR-15 with a pencil barrel. But my SCAR out-of-the-box still has less felt recoil even though it weighs less. I don't know all the physics going on but maybe my ACR is over-gassed or something.

  • I love my ACR Enhanced ive had zero issues with it. It will eat up and spit out all kinds of brands of ammo I've had next to no jams or issues at all. Just wish they had actual barrel kits!
