Why I Don't Like Lever Actions

Alex C.
by Alex C.

Lever actions have become a symbol of the American West, and as Texan I am supposed to have a soft spot for them. However that is one stereotype to which I do not conform. In this episode of TFBTV, I list a few reasons why I have never held lever guns in high regard as well as the 30-30 cartridge.

Alex C.
Alex C.

Alex is a Senior Writer for The Firearm Blog and Director of TFBTV.

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  • Mikial Mikial on Sep 06, 2016

    I doubt anyone will claim a lever gun is a substitute for a modern sporting rifle with a semi action and 30 round mag in any defense or combat situation. And there is no question that most of the famous hunting guns were bolt actions. But that does not mean that lever guns don't have a place in any gun lover's collection or in any SHTF stash.

    Lever guns are versatile, can be loaded a round at a time when prone or in the thick of things, shoot a wide range of cartridges, are easy to manipulate in tight quarters, and don't meet any of the Liberal's politically motivated criteria as an assault rifle that might be outlawed on any given election year. Frankly, everyone should have one in their favorite caliber of choice.

    I sure do.

  • OFWGAz OFWGAz on Sep 06, 2016

    Alex is free to criticize one of the guns "that won the west", and I'm free to say that Stoner's gun "made by Matel" is a POS that got soldiers killed in Nam. I'll bet they would have taken a Winchester 30-30 in a heartbeat.
