Mec-Gar Taurus TCP Magazines Now Available

Patrick R
by Patrick R

Are you a Taurus TCP 738 owner without a magazine? It was near impossible to find one until now thanks to slow imports from the Taurus factory. Mec-Gar stepped up to the plate with the addition of TCP 738 mags to their ever expanding lineup of stellar magazines priced at an affordable $19.95.

Previously we reviewed Mec-Gar magazines for both the CZ-75 and the Beretta 92 platform and found the Mec-Gar mags to be every bit as good as the factory units, sometimes surpassing them in quality by quite a bit. They quickly became one of my go-to brands when I need a magazine for something but refuse to pay a lot for a working magazine.

The new magazine will be built with the same attention to detail and high-quality materials that we have come to expect from the Mec-Gar name. Inside the TCP magazine’s polished blued carbon steel body you will find a spring made from Type D music wire, a removable high impact polymer baseplate and a high visibility follower. Mec-Gar also is going to include some nice witness holes so you can figure out how many round are in the magazine at a glance.

The Taurus TCP PT738 magazine is available now at Mec-Gar USA’s website now with an MSRP of $19.95.

Patrick R
Patrick R

More by Patrick R

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  • Kyle Kyle on Aug 18, 2016

    I think the first mistake here was buying a Taurus.

  • Geoff Timm Geoff Timm on Aug 19, 2016

    Taurus new sales website lists the PT738 6 rd magazine as Item 5010738 for $22. I have used the new web sales site to buy PT22 magazines and they delivered promptly. Geoff Who notes Taurus is making some interesting pistols.
