POTD: Recycled .50cal Brass Art

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Tyler of Tigger Welding is a mechanic/welder/artist that takes scrap metal and turns it into art. Most of his work is with Engine pistons.

Well he put his skill toward .50cal brass and made a skeleton’s torso and head.

Here are some cartridge pens that he worked on.

You can check out the rest of his work at @tiggerwelding

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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  • Jerry young Jerry young on Jul 07, 2016

    I was all set to complain about the use of perfectly good re loadable brass but after seeing this, Man they're cool!

  • Rooftop Voter Rooftop Voter on Jul 07, 2016

    Looks like my brass after normal ejection.
    The first time I re-sized WCC brass, I discovered that it was harder than a wedding d!ck; after that, they re-size easy.
    Nice work!
