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POTD: Recycled .50cal Brass Art
Nicholas C
(IC: employee)
Published: July 6th, 2016
Tyler of Tigger Welding is a mechanic/welder/artist that takes scrap metal and turns it into art. Most of his work is with Engine pistons.
Well he put his skill toward .50cal brass and made a skeleton’s torso and head.
Here are some cartridge pens that he worked on.
You can check out the rest of his work at @tiggerwelding
Nicholas C
More by Nicholas C
Published July 6th, 2016 3:00 PM
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I was all set to complain about the use of perfectly good re loadable brass but after seeing this, Man they're cool!
Looks like my brass after normal ejection.
The first time I re-sized WCC brass, I discovered that it was harder than a wedding d!ck; after that, they re-size easy.
Nice work!