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Cheeseball Machine Gun!!
Nicholas C
(IC: employee)
Published: June 27th, 2016
NightHawkInLight shows how to convert a leaf blower into a high capacity cheeseball machine gun. It is basically an airgun using similar concepts from Paintball and Nerf.
His cheeseball hopper/magazine reminds me of the RSCB magazine (clip) used in custom Nerf guns. Although the RSCB magazine only works on semi auto and not full auto.
I wonder if he used a paintball hopper if he could get a more reliable feeding system and increase his rate of fire?
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Nicholas C
More by Nicholas C
Published June 27th, 2016 4:20 PM
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With all the cholesterol it's flinging, the FDA would class this as a deadly weapon.
Wait, isn't that the same brand of cheese balls I ordered off Amazon and got a $42 shipping fee slapped at my face?