Top 5 Guns With Cult Followings

Alex C.
by Alex C.

Some guns just seem to attract the most ravenous fanboys. These fanatics collaborate and overtime form cult-like cells within the community of firearm enthusiasts. In this video we explore five firearms that have developed a fan base akin to cults, often bordering on outright religious behavior.

Alex C.
Alex C.

Alex is a Senior Writer for The Firearm Blog and Director of TFBTV.

More by Alex C.

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  • ChiptheBarber ChiptheBarber on Jul 09, 2016

    Boy, I'm late to the party on this one. Don't know how I missed this video when it first came out. I've always suspected that there is something inherently wrong with me though and this great video from AlexC pretty much confirms it. I DO like a brand spanking new Gen 4 Glock as well as just about any version of a 1911. I love AR15s but wish I owned half a dozen each of FN FALs and H&K 91s. I get completely giddy over beautiful high grade walnut and bluing so deep you think you're going to see a lost civilization on the other side AND shiny (or flat) black/grey polymer or FDE, ODG, etc. I'm thinking about going to see a shrink (or just buy another lottery ticket). A successful run with either one of them would cure my problem I think. Thanks Alex.

  • Simcha M. Simcha M. on Jul 17, 2016

    Fun video, Alex; however I think I would have made two separate videos; one for pistols and the other for long-guns.
