Webley MK VI: Rule Britannia

Alex C.
by Alex C.

Webley revolvers today truly are symbols of imperial British might, and the MK VI is perhaps the most coveted, as most have been ruined by conversion to fire .45acp (a cartridge that is much more powerful that the .455 Webley loadings). In this video, we do some shooting with a true British icon.

Transcript …

(multiple gun shots) – [Voiceover] I don’t think there’s a handgun more quintessentially British, than a fine Webley revolver.

This is a Webley Mark 6 produced in 1926, and they were adopted in 1915 and served until the 1960’s in the far corners of the Empire.

This example was made at the Royal Small Arms factory at Enfield, where they were made from 1921 until 26.

The Webleys are of a top break design, and you’ll notice the lever located on the rear of the gun to the left of the hammer.

This allows the gun to not only open to be loaded, but also auto ejects spent casings.

The Webley revolvers are single action, double action guns, so you can cock the hammer and pull the trigger or simply pull the trigger.

Ammunition used in this gun is 455 based on the Mark two cartridge.

There were six versions of this cartridge all in all.

And the Mark two being the most prolific.

You can load the guns one cartridge at a time, as was common with most service revolvers of the day, or if you’re lucky enough to have something called a Prideaux device, it loads all six chambers in one fell swoop.

However, these are quite rare and expensive, and I unfortunately don’t have one to show you.

This was my first time out with this gun, because the ammunition is extremely difficult to find.

You can make it yourself by turning down 45 long colt, but I got lucky and managed to find two boxes for sale.

So instead of me yammering on, let’s see what this thing can do.

(multiple gun shots) (metal snapping) (multiple gun shots) (metal snapping) So my only real gripe about the Webley revolver is the trigger pull.

In single action, it’s not very good, and in double action, it’s quite bad actually.

However, if you’ve been spoiled by a Smith and Wesson or Colt, this revolver probably won’t do it for you.

But damn, if it doesn’t look cool and shoot very well in spite of this.

(multiple gun shots) I can honestly say this was a really fun range day with this old classic British revolver.

It’s not a gun that you’re likely to see very often, especially in the original 455 caliber.

As most have been, in my opinion, ruined by being altered to fire 45 acp, which can also be very dangerous.

I started to get the hang of this gun towards the end, and I really wish I had more ammunition and it was more common.

However, such as the folly with some Old Mill SIRT guns.

Anyways, this is Alex C with TFBTV.

Really hope you enjoyed this video.

(patriotic music)

Alex C.
Alex C.

Alex is a Senior Writer for The Firearm Blog and Director of TFBTV.

More by Alex C.

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  • Mr.Volt Mr.Volt on Jun 03, 2016

    The Colt may have won the West but the Webley won the rest!
    No offense, it is just a teasing joke.

  • MediumSizeTex MediumSizeTex on Jun 05, 2016

    I have a 1917 vintage MK VI (shaved for .45 ACP) and it is a bloody magnificent beast, I love the heck out of it even though I haven't fired it yet due to not having found a reloading press on steep enough sale to fit my budget (and not being fool enough to use factory loads of ACP). Anti-ergonomic as its century-old grip design is, I can get a firing grip on it in double action mode that has the lowest bore axis of any handgun I've ever held, including the Chiappa Rhino.
