Remington Ultimate Defense Buckshot

Richard Johnson
by Richard Johnson
shotgun ammo

Remington Arms Company announced a pair of new shotgun rounds for the Ultimate Defense line. Both rounds use 00 buck pellets.

The first load is a standard, or full power, load. It uses nine lead 00 pellets in a 2 3/4″ shell. This load is rated for 1,325 fps at the muzzle.

The second load is a “managed recoil” load that uses eight 00 pellets. Remington downloaded the velocity on this one to 1,200 fps. The lighter payload with reduced velocity results in less felt recoil. It is also in a 2 3/4″ shell.

Remington claims the rounds “deliver dense, devastating patterns” and that “short range patterns in smoothbore barrels are tight.” No specifics are given, so I would like to see how these pattern at 7, 15 and 25 yards. The wording seems to suggest that patterns are only tight close in.

Other than the packaging, I’m not sure how these rounds differ from existing 00 buck loads from Remington and other companies. While I expect both rounds to be very effective when properly employed, I don’t see anything new here. Perhaps Remington will follow up with additional information and let us know if this is more than a marketing effort.

Speaking of Remington’s marketing, the company recently announced it would be closing its Mayfield, Kentucky manufacturing plant. The company issued a press release using terms like “strategic decision,” “synergy” and “overhead leverage” to couch the firing of approximately 200 employees. The company will move the production lines from the Mayfield plant to its Huntsville, Alabama facility. Unfortunately, it does not appear the company will be employing an additional 200 people there, resulting in a net loss of jobs.

In happier news, you can follow Phil White’s tour of the company’s ammunition production facilities here.

Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson

An advocate of gun proliferation zones, Richard is a long time shooter, former cop and internet entrepreneur. Among the many places he calls home is

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7 of 14 comments
  • Southerner Southerner on May 09, 2016

    Yes, I would like to see more detail on this "new" buckshot line!
    What is the actual diameter and weight of each pellet?
    What is the percent of antimony in the alloy - how hard are these pellets?
    Yes, informed consumers know that high antimony content pellets don't exit the barrel with multiple flat surfaces that degrade patterns. So tell us about it!

    And frankly, why doesn't Remington abandon the old 9 pellet standard? All of Remington's standard "00B" rounds use a "Power Piston" wad with the pellets stacked in layers of two and this is important. Why? Because stacking by two reduces radial compression during forcing cone and choke transit and pattern better with choke constriction! Oh yeah, that 9 pellet thing, all those two stack loads have plenty of room for a tenth pellet to join that lonely 00B pellet at the top of the stack -inside the wad! Yes, Remington, load 8 pellets in the low recoil load and 10 pellets in the full power load! Now that would not only be "new", it would make sense!

  • Nate_naah Nate_naah on May 09, 2016

    When is someone going to consistently make a #1 buck SD load. #1 penetrates just as well as 00 and you get more total pellet cross section per shell....

    Federal makes one in with their Flight Control wad but you can never find the stuff.

    • See 4 previous
    • Don Don on May 11, 2016

      @nate_naah well, maybe.. you get holes on both sides.. if your home situation agrees with fmj the exit affect may add to stopping threat.
