Count Dracula CCW Draw

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Steve Fisher of Sentinel Concepts shows us an alternative method to remove the article of clothing used to cover a concealed weapon. It is dubbed the “Count Dracula” draw. LOL. Steve mentions that this technique was used by an old Chicago narcotics police officer. The technique is rather simple. You reach back with your support hand as if you are reaching for a wallet. You grab the tails of your cover garment and pull it forward like a cape. Hence the “dracula” moniker for this technique. This will pull the other side of the jacket behind you revealing your firearm. It is a bit of a slight of hand. Your eyes and attention are drawn to the support hand reaching for the wallet. Even as he pulls the jacket forward my eyes were still focused on that side of the body. What are your thoughts?

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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2 of 63 comments
  • Jason Bourne Jason Bourne on Mar 29, 2016

    I think this may be an effective way of presenting your firearm with this one caveat, PRACTICE! If you try this one time and think you are done, you may end up with a support hand in the wrong place. Overall though, I like the idea. Especially if one is wearing a sports coat or suit everyday.

  • Christopher89 Christopher89 on Apr 12, 2016

    Except most people carry their wallets in their right side rear pocket. For the left handed ccw'er like myself I could see it being more effective
