Rapid Armor/SMG Backpack

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Remember the Ares Armor RAD Pack? It was a backpack system that rapidly deploys a front armor plate and a handgun from a backpack. Well these people made a better version of that design. This backpack has a sub machine gun inside it along with the armor. The armor panel looks like a proper plate carrier design and even has side attachments to secure the front armor panel. This backpack system can accommodate sub machine guns as big as 580mm in length. So P90s, MP5s, HKG36C and UMP-9 can fit in this system.

I am not sure but the text is either Spanish or Portuguese. Can anyone tell what language it is? I did not see who makes this backpack system. There seems to possibly a model number MCP-BIR2. But a precursory Google search did not come up with anything.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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2 of 23 comments
  • Shootingwithapurpose.com Shootingwithapurpose.com on Mar 20, 2016

    Why did Ares stop making the RAD pack? I'd be interested in something like this but they stopped making it a couple years ago. It isn't on their web site anymore. You can buy them on Ebay sometimes but what the heck?

  • Santi Santi on Mar 21, 2016

    Really great product for law enforcement but gahh!! The production quality could us a little more attention but I understand that is not all to important if the product is quality and useful.
