Ballistic Off-Body Bag (B.O.B.B)

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Progressive F.O.R.C.E. Concepts has an interesting bag for discreet conceal carry. It is a simple design that tried to avoid the common pitfalls of other concealed carry bags available. The BOBB provides rapid access to the firearm and can provide some level of ballistic protection.

The bag is available in green and navy blue.

The bag is small and rather discrete. There is a bit of room for a few accessories in the main compartment. The only issue I have is the price. $350. That may include the Level III armor if so then the price is actually reasonable. If the price is for just for the bag and a kydex holster, that is a bit much.
I could not find information on their website if the armor is included with the price.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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5 of 18 comments
  • Bal256 Bal256 on Mar 17, 2016

    MOLLE webbing does not equal discreet.

  • Marcus D. Marcus D. on Mar 18, 2016

    Was I seeing it wrong, or is the armor in the front part of the bag that you rip away to draw the gun? If so, what is the point in pulling the straps to bring the bag to your chest if you are going to toss away the ballistic protection (so that it only covers your "man parts")? It would make MUCH more sense to put this itsy bitsy plate at the back of the bag where it can maybe (just maybe) offer a bit of actual utility. Also, shouldn't the right handed shooter wear the bag on the left (and vice versa) (like a tanker holster) so that the protection is on the side that is facing the threat? (IN my book, squaring up to the target like this guy did is a great way to get shot.)

    • ODgreen34 ODgreen34 on Mar 18, 2016

      @Marcus D. The way it looked to me was that there were 2 tiny plates. One in each half. I could be mistaken though.
