POTD: Weapons Seized In Japan

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

This photo has been going around Social Media. At first glance it seems like quite the weapons cache. But upon closer inspection not all of these are weapons. The pistols are laying next to airsoft magazines. The Playboy is clearly not dangerous. At the bottom right corner is a toy prop from a popular live action show called Kamen Rider Faiz. I could not find an actual article about this weapons seizure to find the context of the image above. If anyone can read Japanese, what does the sign say at the top of the image? The briefcase of, what appears to look like drugs, is covering up part of the sign.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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3 of 92 comments
  • Will Will on Mar 15, 2016

    Playboy magazine is a weapon??

    • Maodeedee Maodeedee on Mar 18, 2016

      @Will Nope, it's just a spare magazine for one of the pistols

  • Gunner4guy Gunner4guy on Mar 16, 2016

    I could sure use the RPG the next time that little SOB from a mile down the road comes flying by with all his windows open and the ???music??? blasting out comes by my house. Pretty sure there'd be NO charges, instead I'd get a medal for performing a public service.
