BREAKING NEWS: ATF Approve ATI MP40 9mm Pistol (Pistol Version of German WWII MP40 Submachine Gun)

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Every couple of weeks I get an email from a reader asking me if I know when the ATI GSG MP40 9mm pistol will go on sale. Well I can finally announce that yesterday (23 Feb) the ATF finally approved the pistol for import and sale in the USA. The gun will go on sale as soon as American Tactical Imports can bring a shipment of them over from Germany.

The ATI GSG MP40 is a faithful reproduction of the German WWII MP40 submachine gun (which itself was based on the MP38). The pistol variant ATI is importing forgoes the folding stock so it can be imported as a pistol (The BATFE does not allow the importation of so called “non-sporting” rifles). Like the original the GSG MP40 will be chambered in 9mm.

Pistol version (top), SBR carbine version (below)

I have shot an original MP40. They are a lot of fun to shoot full auto. The recoil is very manageable in part because of the slow 500 rounds per minute rate of fire combined with the lesser recoil of the 9mm Luger cartridge. It is easy to dump a magazine while keeping the gun on target.

It is also worth mentioning that ATI will also be importing a .22 version of the MP40. Alex and Miles reviewed it in the video below …

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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4 of 74 comments
  • JCitizen JCitizen on Feb 27, 2016

    Another damn 22!! Don't they know 9mm is cheaper half the time!? What happened to EL-BE Tac. that was supposed to be bringing in the StG 44 replica to the US?

    • See 1 previous
    • JCitizen JCitizen on Feb 28, 2016

      @JK Okay, but when you look at what is for sale now, there are nothing but 22s. Seems like that is all that gets on the market in new designs these days.

  • Freethinker Freethinker on Feb 29, 2016

    The first pic shows a rivet or something like that where the folder mechanism should be. I would be curious if the rivet can be removed and a "sling swivel" or something like that was substituted?
