[SHOT 2016] CoolFire Dry Fire Training

Tom R
by Tom R

While I was trolling the lanes at SHOT I happened upon a cool little booth offering a system for dry firing with a difference from any other system I had seen on the floor—it enables you to train with recoil.

The system at the heart is very simple—it is a barrel replacement that is basically a CO2 cartridge. Each strike of the hammer actuates a release valve that vents enough gas to reciprocate the slide. The barrel is coupled with a small laser unit that is momentarily activated by the trigger impulse. Totally obvious solution in retrospect. The best part about the system is you use your own weapon, which means you are not stuck training on a replica that is somewhat close.

"Air Barrel" and laser. That is pretty much it...

The system comes with an “air barrel”, replacement recoil/return spring, red visible laser, two slide release inserts (that fit into the magazine and prevent slide lock), and a charging station. It also comes with 3 reflective targets. It is available for a decent number of common guns already (with a bunch more on the way).

Optional extended air cylinder to allow for more shots per refill. It really did not add much weight at all to the system.

Honestly this is the missing link in my personal dry fire training. Working the basic mechanics is great in and of itself, but managing recoil for followup shots is also super important. I think this, coupled with a MantisX system and some sort of laser activated target, is the sweet trifecta of dry fire training.

Barrel installed and the charging station.

You can find more information at their website: http://coolfiretrainer.com

Tom R
Tom R

Tom is a former Navy Corpsman that spent some time bumbling around the deserts of Iraq with a Marine Recon unit, kicking in tent flaps and harassing sheep. Prior to that he was a paramedic somewhere in DFW, also doing some Executive Protection work between shifts. Now that those exciting days are behind him, he teaches wilderness medicine and runs an on-demand medical staffing business. He hopes that his posts will help you find solid gear that will survive whatever you can throw at it--he is known (in certain circles) for his curse...ahem, ability...to find the breaking point of anything.You can reach him at tom.r AT thefirearmblog.com or at https://thomasrader.com

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  • Stephen Stephen on Jan 25, 2016

    For those that complain about the lack of full recoil, you have to remember that dryfire and laser trainers are not meant to be a replacement for live fire training but are to be used as a supplement to your training.

    Each gives the user practice on grip, draw, sight alignment, sight picture, breathing and trigger squeeze; with laser's you get feedback on where the shot actually hit.. Yes the recoil is not like live fire but these products are not making that claim. The real benefit with trainers is that a user can practice thousands of iterations each week which will translate over to the range. Many high ranking competition shooters use laser trainers and software programs such a LASR (Laser Activated Shot Reporter) program. BTW you can get a 10% discount off the LASR program by using code SAR at laserapp.com.

    As for the CoolFire it is pretty expensive. I would like to get one but man, I can get another pistol for that price. I will get one someday but I'm saving up for a portable shooting simulator from Laser Shot to use in my CCW classes (its a lot of money but that is the goal for this year).

    Hopefully the Coolfire will come down in price a bit - I contacted them about discount codes, they said they would get back with me later.


  • Mike Kash Mike Kash on Jan 26, 2016

    So, full disclosure here. I am the president of CoolFire.

    I have used every training aid available over the years. Fake guns are just that...fake and of basically no use. Their triggers are fundamentally crap. These are a waste of my time.

    I have used laser inserts. These are a step up, as at least I can pull my own trigger. But there is no recoil and Glocks and similar pistols require that you manually reset your trigger. Manually resetting the trigger can establish the wrong muscle memory since you must rack the slide to reset the trigger after each pull.

    But, all previous training aids lack the fundamental aspect of recoil. Why is recoil important? Because only recoil forces you to reestablish sight picture...a prerequisite for follow -up shots.

    If you need proof of the difference, go shoot a SIRT pistol back to back with a recoil gun on a simulator like Lasershot. The SIRT will make you look like a hero because it is simply a laser switch. Follow up shots are a breeze. Add recoil to the equation and it is a bit more challenging.

    Our military and LEOs train with recoil for a reason. And they spend a lot more than $400 per kit!

    As for the amount of recoil with CoolFire...we engineer it to be approximately 60% of actual recoil. Why not 100%? Because 1) you only need enough recoil to force you to re-establish your sight picture (in other words, the gun doesn't need to hit you in the forehead), and 2) why add the wear and tear to your firearm unnecessarily?

    Yes, CoolFire is priced at $399.95. The closest competitor (Dvorak - which isn't available to we average shooters) is priced at $2,000 - $2,500. You are absolutely correct...you can can purchase another gun for the price of CoolFire. However, you must still purchase ammo for that gun!

    CoolFire gets over 1,000 shots per 20 ounce CO2 bottle. This equates to 1/3 of a penny per trigger pull. So, the system pays for itself in about 1 1/2 fills of a 20 ounce bottle.

    Because of CoolFire, I have pulled the trigger on my Glock 19 (conservatively) more than 20,000 times in the last year. That would have cost me over $5,000.00 if firing live rounds (assuming 25 cents per round). The 20,000 trigger pulls cost me about $60.00. And, my live fire shooting is significantly improved.

    Take a look at our videos. Clint Dooley, former Green Beret and unpaid user and advocate of CoolFire training, demonstrates its use. I am sure I can get Clint to provide his insight if you are not yet convinced.

    Please feel free to contact me at mike@coolfiretrainer.com if you have questions or would like more information.


    Mike Kash
