POTD: Tricked Out Custom SVD Dragunov with Ukrainian Special Forces.

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Ukraine Special Forces are rocking some nifty Western accessories on their Soviet firearms. A reader from Russia noticed this SVD and asked me what the rail system was. I told him I have no idea. Do any readers know? Looks cool whatever it is. Here are a few more photos from VoenProm

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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2 of 20 comments
  • Lance Lance on Dec 23, 2015

    Like the But Stocks and on the SVD the unirail for the scope. But the hand guard rails still suck no matter what fire arm its on.

  • Toms Toms on Dec 24, 2015

    Most of the rails, mounts ect. are being made domestically as is the dragonuv rails. All kinds of stuff is being produced there including full ar10 rifles, suppressors, AT missiles, tanks, armored cars, drones ect. After being denied exports for arms by most western countries (contrary to popular belief in Russia) we have bent over backwards not to a sell them a single useful weapons system, ammo, or means to make them. Ukraine has developed a cottage industry of war materials production on the cheap.
