Luger Field Strip

Alex C.
by Alex C.

The Luger pistol may well be the most coveted collector handgun of modern time, and it is easy to understand why. The unique toggle locked action makes it mechanically interesting and they just shoot like a dream. So, how do they work?

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Alex C.
Alex C.

Alex is a Senior Writer for The Firearm Blog and Director of TFBTV.

More by Alex C.

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  • Marathag Marathag on Nov 27, 2015

    Open Bolt transcript?

    But nice vid.

    Would have liked you try to pull the recoil spring and pivot assembly, that is bit of a PITA

  • Secundius Secundius on Dec 02, 2015

    My Grandfather on my Mothers side, fought with the Wehrmacht at the Battle of Stalingrad in WW2. After being promoted to Unteroffizier (Sergeant), he was issued an P08 Luger. The Tolerances were SO TIGHT on the Luger, that during the "Bitter Winter Fighting". The P08 Luger, was next to USELESS as a Firearm. He SWAPPED it for a Walther P38, which in HIS opinion was a Far Better and Reliable Pistol and could take the Extreme Sub-Zero Temperatures of the Stalingrad Campaign...
