Russian Kydex AK Mag Pouch

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Polenar Tactical is offering these mag pouches for AK mags. They are made by Stich Profi in Russia. They retail for €32,00 from Polenar Tactical. You can also get them from Stich Profi in Russia for €26.64. The pouch is unidirectional. They have a left and right handed version. They hold the mags bullets down so you can use the beer can grip to draw them out. From the video below, it looks like they are rocked out to release from the mag pouch.

Here is a video from Stich Profi.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

More by Nicholas C

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17 of 24 comments
  • Cal S. Cal S. on Nov 19, 2015

    Psht. If you guys were REAL AK operators, you'd carry them all in your bare hands. You know, like it was designed to be done. No need for this modern, Western crud touching your holy, third-world designed, vintage rifle, right?

    • See 14 previous
    • BrandonAKsALot BrandonAKsALot on Nov 22, 2015

      @iksnilol I would agree. Once you love guns, it's hard not to start tinkering and fixing stuff and they probably attract those into mechanical stuff.

      That's a big part of me collecting. I love the history and details of it all. Even unissued stuff can tell a big story. That sounds like a pretty cool AK. I enjoy getting to try and trace things like that and come up with ideas.

  • InfiniteGrim InfiniteGrim on Nov 20, 2015

    Why? When Esstac makes one for half the price.
