Big 3 East: DPMS G2 .308

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

DPMS/Remington/AAC came out to Big 3 East and they brought out their G2 rifles.

The G2 is the smallest and lightest 308 MSR on the market. The G2 308 rifle is the same size as a 223 AR but only the magwell is bigger.

The bolt carrier is 20% smaller than a traditional .308 bolt. The BCG is forged monolithic. No ejector fail, according to Dillon Jennings, DPMS Rep. Extractor material usually after 3k-4k rounds will break. They tested 100k rounds and no extractor failure a long as they are made right.

The bolt has three gas rings. Receiver height is the same as 556. So now you can use any aftermarket rail. The R25 GII hunter Remington hunter stock has a super cell pad and the camo is not a dip. It is film that is baked on. Free float on the R25 is molded carbon fiber. On shelf for about $1300 same MSRP as G1.

Lightest weight .308 compact hunter is only 6.9lbs with a 16″ bbl

You can see the G2 bolt compared to a normal AR10 bolt.

Pictures do not do this gun justice until you hold it in your hands and feel the weight and size for yourself.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

More by Nicholas C

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  • Shmoe Shmoe on Oct 15, 2015

    I'd be more interested if I was able to get aftermarket components (not accessories), from DPMS also, of course,, but 3rd parties, as well. DPMS' liberal licensing was the reason their pattern won out against Armalite. Now that Remington,FG own them...well, we'll see, I guess.

    Other than that, I'm really, really impressed with the design and the concept. Just what was called for.

  • Itsmefool Itsmefool on Oct 20, 2015

    Actually, the R25 had a baked-on camo pattern in its first iteration...I know, as I bought the first one to show up in my local gun shop when I lived in Montana.
