ANSWER: Saturday Whatsit

    Now, it’s time for the big reveal, what rifle does yesterday’s mystery part come from? Scroll down for the answer!


    The answer is the Robinson Armament Company M96 Expeditionary Rifle!

    Congrats to commenters Arashi and Mark Hartmann, who got it right!

    I spent this weekend at fellow TFB author Alex C’s place, weighing the wide variety of firearms he has as well as some of their components, for a couple of future articles. I took the picture of the M96’s bolt as part of the project (which is why it is on a scale) and decided it might be fun to play a little guessing game with our readers!

    Thanks to all who participated, and stay tuned for more!



    Nathaniel F

    Nathaniel is a history enthusiast and firearms hobbyist whose primary interest lies in military small arms technological developments beginning with the smokeless powder era. He can be reached via email at
